Thursday, February 14, 2008

So it Begins...

My first entry of my new blog, dedicated to my passion (aside from my husband) ... food. How appropriate this blog is created on Valentine's Day, the day for love! I never considered myself a particular level of 'foodie' (definition on wiki: obsessively interested in all things culinary), I am simply one that's obsessively passionate about that pleasurable sensation at the tip of my tongue when the perfect blend of ingredients and texture is placed into my mouth. That is the moment a tear falls in appreciation, acknowledging the greatness of its creator.

Whether 1 person reads this blog, or 10,000... it's a place for me to share and save my good/bad experiences... at a stand, a restaurant, my home, my mom's (one of my top fave chefs, of course) or wherever. I intend on taking more photos, retrieving more info, to have as complete of an online scrapbook as possible. I am excited.

To New Beginnings!!

1 comment:

will said...

congratulations on your blogspot blog! I actually started one awhile ago. I haven't updated in awhile but it's definitely a good way to keep track of all those things that you're interested in that you don't think anyone else will be interested in. I've bookmarked your blog and look forward to your updates!